The Autoimmune Bodybuilder

This podcast is your go-to guide for healing the gut and transforming your hourglass physique, whilst having a laugh and building life-changing confidence.
Learn how I went from crippling pain with rare autoimmune condition Ankylosing Spondylitis to getting in the best shape of my life at 30, through holistic health, while running a high stress business.
We’re bringing lightness and banter to the serious subjects of chronic illness and never-feel-good-enough mentality to help women break free from pain, bloat and low body confidence so they can build their ultimate fun and fulfilled lives in the body of their dreams.
Whether you’re curious why your gut hates you, or have tried to drop 10kg for years without success, let our podcast kill overwhelm (and bacteria) and provide easy actionable tools to change your health and physique for life!